Lawrence Gennari Has Advice for New Lawyers

Lawrence Gennari is one of the top 100 lawyers in New England. As a veteran of the legal industry, Lawrence Gennari knows exactly what new lawyers need to do to set themselves up for a long and successful legal career. If you are a new lawyer who hopes to create an incredibly successful career, take this advice from Lawrence Gennari.

Be a Professional Student

Lawrence Gennari says that many new lawyers believe that they already know as much as they will ever need to about the law. However, Lawrence Gennari says that you will learn more in your first year of official practice than you did in your three years of law school. For that reason, Lawrence Gennari says that you should enter legal practice with a committed student mentality. Learn as much as you possible can from the lawyers around you and make sure that you ask questions whenever you do not understand something.

Try New Things and Be Creative

Lawrence Gennari says that many new lawyers try to do everything as “by the book” as possible. However, Lawrence Gennari says that you should make an effort to be as creative as possible while trying as many new things as possible. Additionally, Lawrence Gennari says that the more experienced lawyers around you will be able to offer you advice and guidance that does not necessarily mesh with what you have learned in law school.

If you are a new lawyer looking to build a successful career, take this advice from Lawrence Gennari!

Why Class Attendance is Important, Advice from Lawrence Gennari

Lawrence Gennari is well-known in his community as a corporate finance and transactional lawyer in the Boston area of Massachusetts. However, Lawrence Gennari also works as an adjunct professor at the Boston College Law School. As an adjunct professor, Lawrence Gennari has a solid understanding of what students need to do to succeed in law school. Lawrence Gennari says that the most important thing you can do as a law school student is attend your classes regularly.

Lawrence Gennari says that many law school students erroneously believe that they can do the bulk of their learning outside of the classroom. As a result, they have a tendency to skip classes and lectures, says Lawrence Gennari. Still, Lawrence Gennari believes that some of the most important learning you do in law school takes place in the classroom though class dialogue and considered examples.

Lawrence Gennari says that you can learn more nuanced details from your law school professors that you ever can simply reading from the textbook or doing your own research online. Additionally, Lawrence Gennari says that regularly attending law school classes is the only way to know for sure what is going to be on any upcoming quizzes or exams.

Finally, Lawrence Gennari says that regular attendance in law school classes is important for professional networking. Lawrence Gennari says that many of your current classmates are future business partners, so you should make an effort to meet them and form relationships with them. Lawrence Gennari knows that regularly attending your law school courses will set you up for success.

Lawrence Gennari Can Help You Ace Your Interview

Lawrence Gennari is a corporate finance and transactional lawyer who lives and works in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Additionally, Lawrence Gennari is an adjunct professor at the Boston College Law School. As a result, Lawrence Gennari spends most of his time working with law students who hope to one day work in the legal industry. Lawrence Gennari has quite a bit of advice and information for law students who are hoping to ace their next interview.

First, Lawrence Gennari says that it is important to dress to impress. Lawrence Gennari says that the legal profession is still relatively conservative when it comes to standards of dress. For that reason, Lawrence Gennari encourages all law students – male and female – to dress conservatively. Lawrence Gennari also says that you should resist the urge to accessorize too heavily.

Second, Lawrence Gennari encourages all students to reach out to the career services department at their law school for help preparing for their interviews. Lawrence Gennari says that career services departments often run mock interview sessions to help students prepare. These sessions will help you anticipate the questions that you will be asked during your next interview.

Finally, Lawrence Gennari reminds all law students that body language is one of the most important aspects of the interview process. Lawrence Gennari encourages all students to work on their posture and handshake in advance of the interview.  Be “open and authentic” advices Lawrence Gennari.

Lawrence Gennari knows that any law school student can ace their next interview if they put in the preparation. If you follow this advice from Lawrence Gennari, you should do well on your next interview.

Lawrence Gennari on Transactional Law

Lawrence Gennari has made a name for himself as one of the top 100 lawyers in New England. Lawrence Gennari received this distinction for his work as a corporate finance and transactional lawyer. Still, Lawrence Gennari believes that some people hold misconceptions about what, exactly, corporate finance and transactional lawyers do. If you have ever had questions about what corporate finance and transactional lawyers do, Lawrence Gennari has some important information for you.

Lawrence Gennari says that the overall field of law can be divided into two broad and distinct categories. The two categories, Lawrence Gennari says, are litigation and business transactional. According to Lawrence Gennari, litigation is the type of law that most people think of when they think of law. Litigation involves suing other parties or bringing about any action that must be settled in a courtroom.

The other side of the law, business transactional law, is the type of law that Lawrence Gennari practices. In transactional law, Lawrence Gennari and other lawyers like him handle things involving financings, mergers and acquisitions, and day-to-day contracts and other legal issues. Lawrence Gennari says that he enjoys transactional law because it is focused predominantly on helping companies and individuals handle their business. Lawrence Gennari says that litigation holds too much conflict and not enough “win-win” for all parties involved.

Lawrence Gennari says that many people think that transactional legal work would be boring or dry. However, Lawrence Gennari says that transactional legal matters are incredibly interesting because they allow you to develop long relationships with companies and individuals alike. Lawrence Gennari encourages all students to consider a career in transactional legal work.

Get a Great Legal Job with Lawrence Gennari

As an adjunct professor at the Boston College Law School, Lawrence Gennari knows first-hand that the legal jobs market is a tough place to be right now. Lawrence Gennari says that this is because, for the first time ever, more law students are graduating without many available legal jobs. Although some people believe that people who are currently attending law school should consider a different career, Lawrence Gennari is confident that anyone who wants to can find the legal job of their dreams if they follow his advice.

First, Lawrence Gennari says that you should start your job search early. Lawrence Gennari says that far too many people wait to look for a legal position until their last year of law school, or even after graduation. Lawrence Gennari says that you should begin looking for law firms with which to network as early as your second semester of law school.

Second, Lawrence Gennari encourages law school students to network as much as possible, as often as possible during their law school years. Lawrence Gennari advises students to join LinkedIn and other social professional networking sites during their first year of law school.  Lawrence Gennari says that you will never know when your networking activities will help you find the legal position of your dreams.

Lawrence Gennari knows that the legal job market is an incredibly dismal place these days. Still, Lawrence Gennari believes that any law school student can find the legal job of their dreams if they are willing to start the search early and network whenever they can. Lawrence Gennari has faith that all law students can find the dream job that they have been looking for.

Law School Study Tips from Lawrence Gennari

Lawrence Gennari has made a name for himself as a top notch corporate finance and transactional lawyer in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Additionally, Lawrence Gennari is an adjunct professor who teaches at the Boston College Law School. As a result, Lawrence Gennari knows quite a bit about the study skills that you will need to do well in law school. If you are a law school student who is looking for advice on how to do well in your studies, take this advice from Lawrence Gennari.

School Is Your Job

Lawrence Gennari says that the most important advice that he can give to law school students who are looking to do well in their studies is that they should consider law school to be their job while they are there. This means that, to the thinking of Lawrence Gennari, each and every law student should be spending at least 40 hours a week on their studies. Lawrence Gennari advises you to determine how much time you spend per week in classes and then make an effort to spend the rest of your time (up to about 40 hours of work per week) on your reading and studying.

Law School is a Marathon

Lawrence Gennari says that many students attempt to treat law school as though it were a sprint. However, Lawrence Gennari says that it is a marathon. This means that you should focus on accomplishing your goals on a slow and steady pace. Lawrence Gennari says that this will help you do well, while also avoiding becoming burnt out.

Lawrence Gennari on Why You Need a Lawyer

Lawrence Gennari is a financial and transactional lawyer who lives and works in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Lawrence Gennari says that, each and every day, he works with companies and individuals who need his legal expertise. Oftentimes, Lawrence Gennari says, these companies contact him for advice far later than they should. In fact, Lawrence Gennari says that most – if not all – companies should consider a long term relationship with a business lawyer.

Here is why your company needs long term legal and accounting advisors, according to Lawrence Gennari.

First, companies that have a long term relationship with a lawyer will be able to react more quickly to any situation that is thrown at them. Lawrence Gennari says this is important because legal actions are often fast moving and hard to understand (if you are not a lawyer). If your company already has a lawyer, Lawrence Gennari says that you will not have to waste time looking for a lawyer when you need one.

Second, according to Lawrence Gennari, lawyers are able to offer you advice on all sorts of complex legal considerations. If you wait to find a lawyer until you think you need one, Lawrence Gennari says that you will miss out on valuable strategic opportunities to get advice for your day to day affairs.

If your company or startup does not have a relationship with a lawyer and an accountant, you need to build your advisory team. A lawyer like Lawrence Gennari can help your company quickly respond to legal situations and can give you advice all year long. Consider this advice from Lawrence Gennari and find a lawyer who can help your company today!